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Your gift changes lives!

"The opposite of addiction is not sobriety. The opposite of addiction is connection.” -Johann Hari

This quote so perfectly describes the work we do at Place of Grace every day. Our work is relational at its very core. As our residents move from addiction and incarceration into recovery and freedom, they need to re-establish new routines, resources, and relationships. Recovery residences like Place of Grace help incorporate these areas into every day life. These are formed through a safe, sober living environment and referrals to outside resources that will continue to support our women as they strengthen their recovery and faith.

Self-reported information (as of July 2020) from residents at intake tells us...

77% experienced Domestic Violence

75% started using drugs or alcohol prior to turning 18

75% have at least one parent with a Substance Use Disorder or criminal history

68% have been diagnosed with a mental disorder prior to joining the program

51% experienced sexual abuse

40% experienced rape

36% experienced child abuse/neglect

Because of their time in our residential program, our graduates self-report...

96% saw an increase in knowledge of community resources

84% saw an increase in self-esteem

76% saw a strengthening in their walk with God

76% saw an improvement in their mental-state of health

Your support helps make our work possible. Thank you!